Investor Share Fraction

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The Investor Share Fraction determines the share of Surplus that is allocated to Investor Share Dividends (in companies and cooperatives), or which is allocated to the governing body to invest in social objects.

In early version of FairShares, the Investor Share Fraction was:

  • 0.5 in User / Worker Co-operatives and User-Owned / Employee-Owned Social Enterprises
  • 0.3 in Social Enterprises and Social Co-operatives

From V3.0 onwards, the fraction is set during the creation of rules in the FairShares Rules Generator, and this provides for a maximum of 0.4 in non-FCA approved rules, and 0.25 in FCA approved rules. (FCA approved rules are for UK cooperatives only).

In associations and partnerships, this fraction determines the share of surplus that the governing body can allocate to social objects without requiring member approval.

The Investor Share is calculated as follows:

[Surplus] x [Investor Share Fraction]

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